The star u gave me..







Saturday, November 8, 2008
sun set at 10:37 PM

The end of Chapter 1...

Time flies. 12 weeks of fun, learning, sweat and anxiety went by, bringing the semester to a near close. Looking in retrospect at my first lesson, i recall coming to class wanting to enhance my communication skills at both the technology and personal level. The importance of maintaining an effective communication in these 2 aspects have not changed in me. The only change I saw is that i sensed a greater urgency in perfecting these 2 aspects after the course.

In the very first lesson, an impact have already been struck. The icebreaking exercise showed many of us that by keeping quiet, one will never learn in this class, be it learning more about others or learning about ourselves. After this first lesson, an engaging and interesting structure of lessons followed which largely covered the 2 aspects I was looking for. In targeting the technology aspect, I was taught to apply the 7Cs effectively in formulating letters or reports. I was also taught to identify our weaknesses and present writings that reflects my thoughts exactly across to the target audience. In targeting personal communication level, the class was given the chance to attend mock interviews to allow us to face very real situations in professional communication context. Applying skillful personal communication skills is important here. Other than that, the class also had the chance to practice conveying passages in groups of 3s and having the 3rd person interpret and observe the body language and the conversation. This allowed feedbacks on little actions which I took for granted to be highlighted to me, allowing myself to make good use of non-verbals in my communication.

Thus overall, I have had a very positive learning experience in class. The skills and techniques learnt in this course have definitely helped me greatly in achieving my initial aim for coming into this course. It have also allowed me to present myself in any form of communication with a higher level of confidence. With the end of this course, the start of professional communication in my life opens. I know my learning path will not end here, and I hope that the skills obtained in this course will act as a catalyst in my ever learning path to achieve effective communication with people all around the globe.


Blogger ~Jun Yen~ said...

Lol, Jun Rong you have reminded me of the first class. I remember how stunned i was when i walked in for the first class and Brad smiled at me while handed me a piece of paper. Then tell me i have err was it 10 or 15 minutes to fill it up. LOL. Nice way to ice break in class. And we end up rushing around asking names and wondering who did what =D. Well, though it did not help in remembering the names (at least for me) it did help to warm the class up :D

November 10, 2008 at 12:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Jun Rong!

I remember I was so confused with the names during the first lesson. We have all the "Wei(s)- Wei Kin, Wei Ren, Wei Kwan." Then we have the "Jun(s)"-Jun Yen and of cos you Jun Rong". But after soooooo many class discussions, I ought to be slapped if I still don't get the names right.


November 10, 2008 at 11:34 PM  
Blogger Angeline said...

Hi Junrong!

Ya I agree with Xinyi, with all the names starting with "Wei" and "Jun". I was like "What???" because normally I can remember names very quickly but there were really too many similar names, I gave up. Hahaa. It is really very nice to know all of you guys. And, I think you did well in your presentation today! I'm sure you definitely have achieved communication at a higher level of confidence. :) Have fun at the quiz on Friday!

p.s. it was said to be fun by our dear Sensei :p

November 11, 2008 at 10:21 PM  
Blogger joyce said...

Hello Junrong!

I guess your 'sweat and anxiety' for this module refers to the project and oral presentation? Haha.. I agree with Angeline that you did well in the oral presentation!

Anyway, the class can party after the quiz on Friday. Lol!

November 12, 2008 at 11:54 AM  
Blogger Tiffany said...


Fellow green groupmate! Its been a wonderful journey this whole time and it was great having you as a teammate! You have provided great insights to our project and I agree with angeline, you did well during presentation!

Hang in there for one more "fun-and-games" session! It kind of saddens me to know that this ES module will soon be over..oh well, see you at after-class party!

November 12, 2008 at 3:56 PM  
Blogger Xiuwen said...

Hey acid!!

Hahaha yep! I also had a positive learning experience in class and in fact, I guess everyone pretty much learnt alot and in an interesting way as well! And, you did a simply fantastic job at the oral presentation!! I would say that it had a lot of personal touch to it. Cheers for that! All the best to you. =)

November 14, 2008 at 12:31 AM  
Blogger Eileen said...

Hey Junrong!

Haha, great job during the oral presentation! You are the unique one who ask around for the audience responses to having standalone camera! LOL.

Glad to know you through the discussions and reviewing of resumes! And oh, the mock interview as well. Haha, and all the best for your future career and hopefully you can earn big bucks at this young age like the people around you!!!=D

November 14, 2008 at 9:13 AM  
Blogger Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks, Jun Rong, for this reflection. It's good to have a chance to look back and see how far we have come. I'm glad you feel that some of the skills and techniques learned/practiced in class may be useful for your future!

I appreciate all your efforts this term, both online and otherwise.

All the best for you on your future path!

November 16, 2008 at 8:39 PM  

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