The star u gave me..







Sunday, October 19, 2008
sun set at 1:34 AM


I was born in Singapore and attended Kong Hwa School, Temasek Secondary School and Temasek Junior College (TJC). Since secondary school, I have been instilled with a great sense of responsibility and leadership. I was entrusted with positions such as the Vice President of our Students’ Council (2000-2001), the Head Coordinator of Sports’ Captain (1999-2001), House Captain of Griffin House and the Company Sergeant Major of my CCA, National Cadet Corps. Upon promotion to Temasek Junior College with 8 distinctions, I pioneered a research program, now known as P.R.I.M.E.R. (Portal for Research, innovation, Mentorship, Entrepreneurship and Reaching-out). In the research program, I was given the opportunity to partake in the biannual Singapore Youth Science Festival (2002) and Singapore Science and Engineering Fair (2003) which earned me a gold and bronze award respectively. This period fostered my interest in research work. Furthermore, being the Vice President of TJC Science Council, I helped conceptualise the first Science Park (now known as Kinetic Garden) in TJC.

Carrying on my emerging passion in research, I enrolled in National University of Singapore (NUS) pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Life Sciences. My passion for research was given the opportunity to expand further with my acceptance into the Special Programme in Science. Under this programme, I underwent a rigorous scheme writing review papers and experimental papers covering areas within and outside of my major (within the Faculty of Science). This allowed me to approach Science with an integrated perspective. SPS also allowed my leadership skills to mature with my successful election as the President of SPS (2007-2008). With this, I took on more active roles in the planning of SPS activities and in the design of several experiments in the module SP2170. I also took up mentoring in SPS allowing me to share and vocalise my experiences with the junior batches. I am currently attached to Evolution Laboratory, doing a novel study on quantifying the genetics of a pre-copulatory behaviour observed in Sepsis Punctum under the supervision of A.P. Rudolf Meier.


Blogger Pei Rong said...

Hello Junrong,

What a life you have in NUS and TJC. You sure had done many contributions to the schools. They should give you an award for that!

Though I have not seen your resume, I can imagine how interesting yours would be. Your future employer would be so impressed!

Anyway, have you been to any overseas attachments or summer programmes? I think all these would further enhance your resume and increase your chance of being employed. An internship would be useful too.

I think I should have more "life" in NUS by participating in activities and applying for internship. After reading the biodatas of some of our classmates, I start to feel that it's time for me to accomplish something!

October 19, 2008 at 10:57 PM  
Blogger Tiffany said...

Hi Junrong,

I agree with what Peirong said! Overseas attachments and other short overseas stints will definitely boost your resume and make it a cut above the rest.

Pei Rong: my sentiments exactly! after reading so many other people's biodata, I feel that I am lagging behind and I'm already in third year! Oh no! Use your time in NUS to your advantage and hurry, grab your chance to do anything that could be of help to you in future!


October 27, 2008 at 7:42 PM  
Blogger Brad Blackstone said...

This is a very good "professional" bio, Jun Rong. Yiu have accomplished so much at this young age. Yes, and you have a good basis for the future, and a lot to look forward to.

All the best, man!

November 6, 2008 at 8:47 PM  
Blogger Junrong said...

Dear Peirong and tiffany,

Yah, my biggest regret is that amongst the midst of pursuing my interest, i missed my chance to go overseas due to urops commitment here. I really am looking forward to my graduate life which definitely will be accomplished overseas. Thank you so much :)

And also thanks to brad. Even though i am looking forward to the future paths, but uncertainty always creeps in, fogging up a part of the path. I only hope time will clear this fog :)

November 8, 2008 at 10:50 PM  

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